The Keep I.T. Simple Story
Keep I.T. Simple all started with me, Gavin Goodman, at BT in 1989. I retrained after moving to Northern Ireland in the autumn of 1998. Starting with the Quinn Group in early 1999, to sort out the Year 2000 Project for the Hotels division.
Quickly, moving on to run their Hotels Group I.T. Department. In 2005, I transferred to the Networks & Telecoms Department for Quinn Direct Insurance. Here I set up and oversaw the I.T. infrastructure of three 800 seater call centres which was no mean feat. Taking muddy fields to productive bums on seats.
Leaving the world of employment in early 2011, I set up Office Convergence Ltd. Funnily enough, one of my first roles involved the startup phase of a new online insurance company.
My travels and exploits with "OC", highlighted the lack of common sense, down to earth I.T. support for small businesses. Businesses were being hindered by inappropriate and complicated systems they didn't need. There was no help out there aimed directly at smaller businesses.
So with that in mind, Kits I.T. Ltd was born. Kits stands for Keep I.T. Simple, its purpose to address that very need.
Now for those of you that like qualifications I have Novell's CNA and Microsoft's MCSE. But, to be honest, I prefer my 31 years experience to do the talking instead.
I don't do everything myself. I wouldn't have the time, but I do ensure that everything is carried out to my high standards.
If we work with you then we will keep your I.T. box ticked, SIMPLE, guaranteed.